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See Lets Instruct’s approved and accredited driving instructors. Click to view their full profile and see how they can help you learn to drive.

Matthew Stone (Manual Driving Lessons & Driving Instructor Training)


Geoff Husaunndee

Wendy MacQuarrie

Katy Smith

Paula Wilson

Vaughan Mayo

Phil Orvis

Julia Billingham

Fahad Hussain (Specialist Instructor for the Deaf)

Aaron Binge

Magdalena Cieslak


Stanley Tsoi (Automatic)

Paul Austin

Faz (Automatic)

Charlotte Pisanski (Automatic)

Steve Howe (Automatic)

Andrew Love (Automatic)

John Barber (Automatic)


Edmond Poci (Automatic)

Fatima Islam (Automatic)

Emily Rudd


Charles Moffat

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